Tataouine Tunisia
The Partnership for Heritage Consortium consists of UWE Bristol, Durham University, L'institut National du Patrimoine (INP) and a large number of local partners. Together, we work towards the documentation and restoration of the Amazigh heritage, a community who have been under pressure through neglect and (sometimes forced) migration from their traditional architecture villages in the mountains of Tataouine. The villages, now partially or wholly abandoned, have suffered from partial collapse. With the dispersal of the Amazigh from these villages, the intangible heritage such as traditional crafts and cultures have become increasingly difficult to maintain and pass on to the next generation.
Partners for Heritage
February 2024 - May 2024
I worked with Lisa Mol from Partners for Heritage to direct and produce a one-minute animated informational video regarding how climate change and desertification are affecting the Tataouine region of Tunisia and its inhabitants. This animation targets a children's audience.
During this production, I had the privilege to work alongside Yasmine Necib, our cultural adviser from Tunisia. Through our brainstorming meetings, I learnt about the rich culture of the Tataouine region. This in-depth opportunity to understand the complex issue faced by the Tataouine region gave me the knowledge and passion to advocate for the Tataouine region and enriched the final project.
Final Animation
Photo Alteration
I altered the colour of Grace’s jumper as it clashed with the colour palette and took attention away from Grace. In the second image, it is clear that Grace is the focal point. The European stars alludes to the context of the photo, and highlights Grace which aims to increase memorability, key for a political campaign.
I worked closely with the team of MEP Grace to design and promote the MEP brand. I engaged with the MEP political advisors and took complex legal text & designed animation to simplify messaging to promote key issues like the Nature Restoration Law to be easily understood through animation.
Grace O’Sullivan
September 2023 - June 2024
The nature restoration law
The Irish Times sought expert advice on election posters on the 25th of May 2024. In the acticle Psychologist professor Geoff Beattie said of Grace O’Sullivan’s poster “the environment and climate change are the biggest problems we face but we can work together on this. No time for make-up, fakery, or airbrushing”.
The Plastic Spill
Photo by James Corcoran
campaign Poster 2024
nana Dee
Nana Dee is an IFTA nominated short film animation.
As years go by in a quiet house, its only resident spends most of her days alone. A TV game show fills the empty space, yet Nana Dee’s attention is solely on the clock on the wall, making every second feel like an hour. She is expecting someone and they are late.
Screen Ireland / Frameworks
2021 - 2023
Nana Dee premiered at the Galway Film Fleabh in 2023. It became an award winning stop motion animated film. Momo won best co director award at the Silk Road film Festival.
Momo is a madel maker, co director and creater of the stop motion animation, Nana Dee. The story came to Momo as she sat with her granny in the last chapter of her life. Momo began to share the story behind Nana Dee and saw how many people related to Nana Dee in different ways. At heart, Nana Dee is about the social isolation that is prevent in old age.